How I built a miter saw station with a roll out assembly table and table saw cabinets and automated dust collection system.
How to build a garden gate in two different styles to match a simple garden fence. A simple X style gate and a more ornamental curved style gate.
How to use liming wax to achieve an aged pine finish with white highlighting of molding, corners and details. Includes how to avoid making some rookie mistakes like bleaching the entire piece like I did.
How we took our garden from four rather sad raised cedar beds to 13 total raised beds with an old-world structured potager garden design centered around a circular raised bed.
Adding a little character to your shed or barn is the most important thing you can do, full stop. No, I’m kidding, a barn is by definition a functional structure but it’s very easy to make a round top shed door and add a little personality. If you are looking for something a little more …