One of these people wanted to build a fence. The other two didn't really have much choice. These are their honest reviews.
A woven wire fence is a great way to keep your animals contained. Unfortunately I maybe underestimated the effort involved. Here's our honest review.
Oldest Son
Senior hole digger
Hand digging the corner posts was pretty straight forward. Renting a gas powered post hole digger for the support posts and gate posts recommended.
Setting up guide lines and then roughly marking with spray paint where the posts need to go was great. Super easy.
Middle Son
Expert stapler
Very straight forward, just make sure you alternate the direction of the post hinges so you can't just lift the gate right off.
With braced corners in place you can start digging all the posts. This is where it starts to get rough.
Oldest Son
Senior hole digger
No one wants to dig 100+ holes even with a gas powered auger. Find a tractor. Beg. Borrow. Rent. Somehow, get a tractor.
Turns out when you have clay and you dig holes, those become very deep mini ponds with just a little rain
Middle Son
Expert stapler
A fence stretcher and lots and lots of staples. This wasn't the worst, especially since the end was in sight.
Bracing the corners so that they don't get pulled by the fence can happen at the beginning. I did it at the end, very straightforward.
We're glad it's done, and thankful it does keep the sheep in and safe. None of us is eager to build another anytime soon though.